nlGetRemoteAddr, nlSetRemoteAddr

get or set the remote address of a socket

C Specification

NLboolean nlGetRemoteAddr(NLsocket socket, NLaddress *address)

NLboolean nlSetRemoteAddr(NLsocket socket, const NLaddress *address)



[in]Specifies a socket.


[in/out]Specifies a pointer to the address allocated by the caller.


nlGetRemoteAddr returns the remote address for socket, if socket is connected to a remote address. If socket is not connected and set as NL_RELIABLE or NL_RELIABLE_PACKETS (TCP), or is set to NL_UNRELIABLE (UDP) and nlRead has never been called, then address will correspond to the default NIC IP address. If socket is not connected, is set as NL_UNRELIABLE (UDP), and nlRead has received a packet, then address will correspond to the remote address of the last packet received. If nlGetRemoteAddr was successful address.valid will be set to NL_TRUE, otherwise it will be set to NL_FALSE.

nlSetRemoteAddr sets the remote address on an unconnected UDP socket. Since address is updated everytime nlRead is called, nlSetRemoteAddr should be called before each nlWrite.

Return values

NL_TRUE if no error occurs, otherwise NL_FALSE, and the specific error code can be retrieved by calling nlGetError

Error codes

NL_INVALID_SOCKET : The socket is not valid.
NL_NULL_POINTER : A NULL pointer was passed to this function.
NL_SYSTEM_ERROR : A system Socket error has ocurred. The system error can be retrieved by calling nlGetSystemError.

See also


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