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Vector class


This class provides basic functions and operators for working with vectors

Class members

float x, y, z, w
CL_Vector( float x = 0.0, float y = 0.0, float z = 0.0, float w = 1.0)
CL_Vector(const CL_Vector &other)
float norm()
void normalize()
float dot(const CL_Vector& v)
float angle(const CL_Vector& v)
CL_Vector cross(const CL_Vector& v)
CL_Vector rotate( float angle, const CL_Vector& a)
void round()
CL_Vector operator * (float s)
void operator +=(const CL_Vector& v)
void operator -=(const CL_Vector& v)
void operator *=(float s)
CL_Vector operator + (const CL_Vector& v)
CL_Vector operator - (const CL_Vector& v)
CL_Vector operator - ()
CL_Vector& operator = (const CL_Vector& v)
int operator ==(CL_Vector& v)
int operator !=(CL_Vector& v)
float& operator [](int n)

See Also


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