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Streamed sample in raw PCM format (no header).

Parents: public CL_StreamSoundProvider


This class providers playback support for raw PCM samples. That is just the PCM sample data, not header.

Unlike CL_Sample_Raw, this class doesn't load the entire PCM stream into memory. Instead it slowly loads it from disk as the data is needed. With very large samples, this is a very good idea.

If the sample is small and used a lot, you should consider using CL_Sample_Raw instead.

Class members

static CL_SoundBuffer *create(
         const char *filename,
        SoundFormat format,
        int frequency,
        CL_InputSourceProvider *inputprovider = NULL,
        bool looped = false)
CL_Streamed_RawSample( const char *filename, SoundFormat format, int frequency, CL_InputSourceProvider *inputprovider = NULL, bool looped = false)
virtual ~CL_Streamed_RawSample()
virtual CL_StreamSoundProvider_Session *begin_session()
virtual void end_session(CL_StreamSoundProvider_Session *session)

See Also

CL_Sample_Raw-The static raw sample provider.
CL_Sample-The static wave sample provider.
CL_Streamed_WaveSample-The streamed wave sample provider.
CL_SoundBuffer-Sound playback class in ClanLib.
CL_StreamSoundProvider-Streamed sound provider interface.
CL_StaticSoundProvider-Static sound provider interface.

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