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Palette class.


CL_Palette represents a palette in the form of a 256 byte array.

Palettes are in ClanLib only used by surface providers. A provider specifies it's palette by returning a CL_Palette. But It can also choose to return NULL. In that case it will use the system palette. You can change the system palette from CL_Display or CL_DisplayCard.

Class members

unsigned char *palette
int num_colors
virtual ~CL_Palette()
CL_Palette( unsigned char *palette, int num_colors=256)
CL_Palette( char *palette_id, CL_InputSourceProvider *provider)
CL_Palette(CL_InputSource *input)

See Also

CL_Display-The system palette is set here.
CL_DisplayCard-The card specific system palette is set here.
CL_SurfaceProvider-Palettelized surfaces use this class.

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