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Lua value


Represents a value that can be passed to Lua. When calling Lua functions or indexing Lua tables, objects of this class are expected. However, they are implicitly constructed from C++ primitive types. Thus, in general, there is no need to directly create objects of this class. * Copying from LuaObject To convert a LuaValue from a LuaObject is _not_ allowed.

Class members

CL_LuaValue(int v)
CL_LuaValue(float v)
CL_LuaValue(double v)
CL_LuaValue(char* v)
CL_LuaValue(const CL_LuaValue& v)
CL_LuaValue(lua_CFunction v)
CL_LuaValue( void* v, int tag=LUA_PP_USERDATA)
CL_LuaValue( const void* v, int tag=LUA_PP_USERDATA)
CL_LuaValue(const CL_LuaValue& v)
CL_LuaValue& operator= (const CL_LuaValue& v)
virtual ~CL_LuaValue(void)
virtual void push(void)
void get(char *varname)
void store(char* varname)
virtual int isNil(void)
virtual int isNumber(void)
virtual int isString(void)
virtual int isTable(void)
virtual int isFunction(void)
virtual int isUserData(void)
virtual int type(void)
virtual operator float()
virtual operator const char*()
virtual operator const char*()
virtual operator const void*()
virtual operator const void*()

See Also


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